This really couldn't be any easier. Three ingredients to make a really quick and simple breakfast hash that's tasty, and full of flavor! The chorizo does have a higher fat content, so if you're looking to bring the fat down then we recommend you use egg whites rather than a whole egg.
Serving size: This recipe makes 1 (8.6) oz serving
Macronutrient Balance: 21g Protein / 20g Fat / 13g Carbohydrates Ingredients:
2.5 oz uncooked pork chorizo
1 egg
1 1/2 cups frozen cauliflower rice
Place frozen cauliflower rice in a bowl and microwave for 2-3 minutes.
In a medium-sized skillet, cook chorizo at medium heat for about 4 minutes until cooked, and move it to the side of the pan.
Crack the egg into the skillet and scramble. Once scrambled, mix in with the chorizo and keep it on one side of the pan.
Add cauliflower rice to the pan to "toast" for about 30 seconds to one minute, and let it absorb some of the fat/seasoning from the chorizo. Then turn off the stove.
Place cauliflower rice on the plate first and top with your chorizo egg mix!